J. Mike Rollins (Sparky) [rollins@wfu.edu]
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PHP/Perl Reference

I am proficient with Perl. More and more, PHP is used in many of the applications I use (Gallery2 and PHPBB2). My first real PHP program was an XML parser that used recursion and objects. I spent hours debugging the code. A better understanding of PHP references would have saved me much time.

The following code defines an object using Perl and PHP.

    package MyTest;
    use strict;
    sub new
        my $pkg = shift;
        my $obj = {
            'value' => 0,
            'is_null' => 1
        bless $obj,$pkg;
        return $obj;
    sub setValue
        my $obj = shift;
        my $value = shift;
        $obj->{'value'} = $value;
        $obj->{'is_null'} = 0;
    sub getValue
        my $obj = shift;
        return $obj->{'value'};
    sub isNull
        my $obj = shift;
        return $obj->{'is_null'};
    return 1;
    class MyTest
        var $value;
        var $is_null;
        function MyTest()
            $this->value = 0;
            $this->is_null = true;
        function setValue($value)
            $this->value = $value;
            $this->is_null = false;
        function getValue()
            return $this->value;
        function isNull()
            return $this->is_null;

Part 1

A Perl script an a PHP script will illustrate a subtle difference in the two languages.
    use MyTest;
    # Create new instance of MyTest()
    my $a = new MyTest();
    print "Create new object \$a\n";
    print "A = " . $a->getValue() . "\n\n";
    # Assign b to a
    my $b = $a;
    print "Assign \$b = \$a\n";
    print "A = " . $a->getValue() . "\n";
    print "B = " . $b->getValue() . "\n\n";
    # Setting b to 11
    print "Setting \$b to 11\n";
    print "A = " . $a->getValue() . "\n";
    print "B = " . $b->getValue() . "\n\n";
    require 'MyTest.php';
     * Create new instance of MyTest()
    $a = new MyTest();
    print "Create new object \$a\n";
    print "A = " . $a->getValue() . "\n\n";
     * Assign b to a
    $b = $a;
    print "Assign \$b = \$a\n";
    print "A = " . $a->getValue() . "\n";
    print "B = " . $b->getValue() . "\n\n";
     * Setting b to 11
    print "Setting \$b to 11\n";
    print "A = " . $a->getValue() . "\n";
    print "B = " . $b->getValue() . "\n\n";
The output of these scripts show a major difference between Perl and PHP.
    Create new object $a
    A = 10
    Assign $b = $a
    A = 10
    B = 10
    Setting $b to 11
    A = 11
    B = 11
    Create new object $a
    A = 10
    Assign $b = $a
    A = 10
    B = 10
    Setting $b to 11
    A = 10
    B = 11

Part 2

PHP performs a "copy" of the object in response to the = operator. Perl creates a reference to the existing object. The =& operator will instruct PHP to create a reference to the existing object. But, the relationship with the reference is much stronger that in Perl.

The following modifies the PHP code from the previous example:

    use MyTest;
    # Create new instance of MyTest()
    my $a = new MyTest();
    print "Create new object \$a\n";
    print "A = " . $a->getValue() . "\n\n";
    # Assign b to a
    my $b = $a;
    print "Assign \$b = \$a\n";
    print "A = " . $a->getValue() . "\n";
    print "B = " . $b->getValue() . "\n\n";
    # Setting b to 11
    print "Setting \$b to 11\n";
    print "A = " . $a->getValue() . "\n";
    print "B = " . $b->getValue() . "\n\n";
    require 'MyTest.php';
     * Create new instance of MyTest()
    $a = new MyTest();
    print "Create new object \$a\n";
    print "A = " . $a->getValue() . "\n\n";
     * Assign b to a
    $b =& $a;
    print "Assign \$b =& \$a\n";
    print "A = " . $a->getValue() . "\n";
    print "B = " . $b->getValue() . "\n\n";
     * Setting b to 11
    print "Setting \$b to 11\n";
    print "A = " . $a->getValue() . "\n";
    print "B = " . $b->getValue() . "\n\n";
Now the output of these two scripts are the same.
    Create new object $a
    A = 10
    Assign $b = $a
    A = 10
    B = 10
    Setting $b to 11
    A = 11
    B = 11
    Create new object $a
    A = 10
    Assign $b =& $a
    A = 10
    B = 10
    Setting $b to 11
    A = 11
    B = 11

Part 3

Be careful, the =& operator creates a stronger association with the object than the = operator in Perl.
    # Add the following to the Perl script
    $a = 0;
    print "Setting \$a=0\n";
    print "A = " . $a . "\n";
    print "B = " . $b->getValue() . "\n";
    # This will display
    # Setting $a=0
    # A = 0
    # B = 11
     * Add the following code to the php script
    $a = 0;
    print "Setting \$a=0\n";
    print "A = " . $a . "\n";
    print "B = " . $b->getValue() . "\n";
     * This will produce the following
     * Setting $a=0
     * A = 0
     * Fatal error:  Call to a member function on a non-object...
The assignment of $a=0 in the PHP code replaced the object that $a and $b referenced with the number 0. So, $b now references the number 0.